BizProMedia is a web design company based in Aberdeen, North Carolina.
If you have a business, charity, or other organization that either doesn’t have a website or needs a website upgrade, we can help.
Upgrading Your Web Presence
There are several reasons for considering a website upgrade.
The most obvious is, simply, that your site doesn’t represent and portray your brand well. This might be because your organization has evolved and your website hasn’t kept up, or it may be because your site just looks “dated” or unprofessional.
Or maybe there are things you want to do with your site that just can’t be done on your current platform.
Mobile Audience and Responsive Design
More than half of web users are no longer on a desktop computer. Smartphones and tablets have become ubiquitous and it is essential that your site be easy to read and navigate on devices of all sizes.
This is important for users, but is also important for your search engine rankings. Google knows whether your site is mobile-friendly, and that affects how Google will rank your site, especially when the searcher is on a smaller device.
A few years ago, the solution was to build a separate mobile site, but that is no longer “best practice.” It doesn’t address all the intermediate device sizes, and also, it usually deprives your mobile audience from the ability to see all of your content.
The best solution is to implement a responsive design. This means that your site will detect the size of the viewport and will resize itself accordingly, not by becoming so small that it is no longer readable, but by actually reorganizing the elements on the page, and swapping out one menu style for another.
If your site is not responsive, we can take care of that for you.
Speed Matters
Is your site slow?
That is an issue for your users, of course. Many will click off of any site that doesn’t come up quickly, opting to go elsewhere to find what they are looking for.
You may be losing customers because of this, but again, it isn’t just the user experience.
Google tracks something called “bounce rate.” If a significant percentage of your visitors stay only briefly, Google takes that as a signal that your site is not a quality site, and they will adjust your ranking accordingly.
So, if your site is slow, this is an important issue to address. Let’s take a look and see what needs to be done to put a little zip in your site.
Site Review
I can do a simple review of your site, to see what is good and what may need improvement.
Give me a call, and let’s start a dialogue. If nothing else, you will learn a few things about your website and how it is working for you.
And if we believe we can resolve some issues or add some value, I’ll let you know.
No pressure, no obligation. Give me a call.
(910) 490-4009